Families | Community » Volunteering


Dear Parents of Sacred Heart,

The Catholic School Council is very active each year with events such as Community Lunches for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Christmas Activity Day, Valentine's Day Dance, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast, Vendor Show and have many more events in the works to add to your child's school experience. In order to make these events possible, parents volunteer their time planning the event and helping out at the event. Parent Council is in need of some volunteers for a few upcoming events.  If you have some time to spare, we would love the help. Here are some events that run throughout the year that require assistance and parent support.

  • School Meet n' Greet BBQ (September)
  • School volunteer Reading Program (all year)
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon for students and staff (October)
  • Christmas Activities (December)
  • Christmas Dinner (December)
  • Share Lent activities (February/March)
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Making (February)
  • Valentine's Day Dance (February)
  • Catholic Education Week activities (May)
  • Vendor Fair (May)
  • Fun Fair (June)
  • Breakfast Club (on call basis for Monday and Friday all year)


If you are interested in helping with any of these or would like to be added to a volunteer list, please contact Gretchen Brown at [email protected] . Please note a current vulnerable sector criminal check must be on file in the office to volunteer. You can see Mrs. Shangraw for the form.

Thank You,

The Catholic School Parent Council